- Mike, a scary photographer
- Interesting pavillion construction on the Corniche
- Mike, a happy photographer
- Detail of elaborate pedestrian underpass on the Corniche
- Mosqe
- Mike in front of characteristic Etisalat building
- Modern architecture
- Mike following the exercise trail on the Corniche
- Futuristic architecture, Marks & Spencer
- Detail of flower
- Mosque
- Le Royal Meridien Hotel, Corniche
- Detail of Mosque
- "Golden" building, downtown Abu Dhabi
- "Golden" building, downtown Abu Dhabi
- Lulu Centre large scale commercials
- The tallest building on the Corniche
- Large swiss clock, gift from Switzerland to the UAE
- Pavement pattern on the Corniche
- Swiss villa style high-rise building, downtown Abu Dhabi
- Detail of Mosque archway