- Mosque near Madinat Zayed Gold Souq, Abu Dhabi
- Mosque in Abu Dhabi
- "Golden" building, downtown Abu Dhabi
- Mosque near Qasr al Husn, Abu Dhabi
- Real Modern Urban Pharmacy
- Detail from the Corniche with Lulu Island and Marina Mall in the background
- Reflections in glass building
- Fountains along the Corniche walk
- Large ship docked at Port Zayed
- Fountain in roundabout near Khalifa Complex and Meridien Village
- Man walking through pedestrian underpass at the Corniche
- Fountain near Sheraton Hotel on the Corniche
- Detail of Mosque archway
- Swiss villa style high-rise building, downtown Abu Dhabi
- Pavement pattern on the Corniche
- Large swiss clock, gift from Switzerland to the UAE
- The tallest building on the Corniche
- Lulu Centre large scale commercials
- "Golden" building, downtown Abu Dhabi
- "Golden" building, downtown Abu Dhabi
- Detail of Mosque