- 168_6826
The astronomic clock by Staromëstske nám - 168_6825
Church by Staromëstske nám - 168_6823_2
Prague castle as seen from the Staromëtská end of the Karlüv Most - 168_6816
Jazz musicians at the Karlüv Most - 168_6814
Christ statue at the Karlüv Most (Charles Bridge) - 168_6807
Soldier with golden sword towering over the tourist ships of Vltava - 167_6797
The church of the order of Malta at the west bank of the Vltava (Moldau) river - 167_6794
Prague Castle with its towers and spires as seen from the Petrin park in Mala Strana - 167_6791
The St. Vitus cathedral at Prague Castle