- IMG_8905_copy
Kjøsnesfjorden frå tunnelmunningen ved Lunde - IMG_8900_copy
Bøyabreen bakom stølshusa - IMG_8894_copy
Låvebygning under rustraudt tak på Berge i Fjærland - IMG_8892_copy
Fjærlandsfjorden med Berge i forgrunnen i Fjærland - IMG_8888_copy
Blømande frukttre på Ytre Slinde - IMG_8842_copy
Gamalt kulturlandskap ved Hella - IMG_8816_2
The three doors policy! A copyrighted Christian Menard methodology for preserving mental health among men forced to participate in shopping sprees by their better halves. - IMG_8815
Idar considering to buy tool required to dominate the water world - IMG_8814_2
IMG 8814 2 - IMG_8812_2
Eva, Ronald, - IMG_8811_2
The austrian die Pumpe mand and his norwegian counterpart - IMG_8807_2
Christian in his regular pub - die Pumpe. - IMG_8800_2
Pub built into the city wall of old Klagenfurt. Idar, Michael, Christian, Eva, Ronald, Eric (the viking) and Rune - IMG_8798_2
New and old architecture in Klagenfurt city centre - IMG_8797_2
New and old architecture in Klagenfurt city centre - IMG_8795_3
Buying souvenirs for the ones at home! - IMG_8794
Experiencing the genuine Austrian atmosphere in Klagenfurt - IMG_8791_2
Detail of fountain lake in Europa Park - IMG_8788_2
Strolling in the park - IMG_8787_2
A statue looking very much like the "after" photo in Thuringia Development Agencys presentation of "before" and "after" their projects. - IMG_8786_2
A small game of chess