- Picture 032
Picture 032 - IMG_9380
IMG_9380 - Idar cycling on beach below Golden Gate bridge
- DSC00244 copy
DSC00244 copy - Family bathing on beach in front of Alcatraz
- Shadows cast on the sea below at midday
- IMG_1848
- Runar jævlast med umbraconøkkel
- IMG_8752_2
Idar has just started singing - Picture 004
Picture 004 - IMG_1824
- Blomar
- IMG_9280
IMG_9280 - IMG_9425
IMG_9425 - DSC00205
DSC00205 - Panorama frå Nausa til Traudalen
- Moon over San Francisco
- Mike on the loose
- Life on the Belgian coast, Knokke
- DSC00187
DSC00187 - 200807_3 - Muscat etc 101