- Øyvind shopping for ice cream in Calvi
- Øyvind in a cheerful mood
- Øyvind i feriemodus på Flesland
- Øyvind having found the holiday spirit
- Øyvind by the citadel wall overlooking Calvi
- Øyvind ascending the stairs to the citadel
- Øvste Ångsdalsvatnet
- Ørken
- Ytste Granekupvatnet
- Yosemite Valley seen from Glacier Point
- Yosemite Valley from Tunnel View
- Ynskjebrunn
- Yemeni in the old town of Sana'a
- World's highest flag pole
- Winter Palace, St Petersburg
- Winter giving in to spring
- Winter forest at Tsarskoe Selo
- Winston C. var med oss
- Wild deer roaming in Mariposa Grove
- White sand, white people: Harald and Øyvind at Calvi beach
- White camel