Home / Keyword United States 176

- "Big Bertha's Room", The Red Garter Bed & Bakery, Williams
- Alcatraz at sunset
- Alcatraz lighthouse
- Alcatraz military barracks
- Alcatraz up close
- Alcatraz, Cell block D, home to difficult criminals
- Arizona Desert mountains
- Arizona Time
- Art exhibit at Union Square
- Back of Sleeping with Ghosts
- Bay cruiser at San Francisco ocean front
- Bay cruiser in front of Fisherman's Wharf
- Bay cruiser passing in front of the Golden Gate bridge
- Bear warning
- Bird in tree at Glacier Point
- Boat on the Hoover Dam
- Boulder Canyon
- Bridge across Merced river
- Bridge construction across Boulder Canyon by the Hoover Dam
- Cable car being turned around at Hyde Street station
- Cable car being turned around at Powell station