Home / Keyword San Francisco 71

- Bay cruiser in front of Fisherman's Wharf
- Cell blocks
- Cable car on Hyde Street
- Idar having landed a great big chunk of meat on his white t-shirt
- Alcatraz up close
- Alcatraz, Cell block D, home to difficult criminals
- City view by sunset
- Docked sail ship
- Warning not to harbour escapees
- Alcatraz military barracks
- City view by sunset
- The way I looked to Idar after 12 beers
- Golden Gate bridge at sunset
- Bay cruiser at San Francisco ocean front
- City view by sunset
- Alcatraz at sunset
- Sea lions near Pier 39, Fisherman's Wharf
- Seagull amidst sea lions near Pier 39, Fisherman's Wharf
- Light house and fallen-down prison-warden's building
- Idar in front of fames prison island Alcatraz
- Sail boat passing in front of Alcatraz