- 173_7386
All this for only 1050 Icelandic Kroner on a wednesday afternoon in Akureyri - 173_7388_2
The prominently located church in Akureyri - 173_7389
Main shopping street in Akureyri with characteristic Icelandic facade. - 173_7395
Ann Charlotte and Runar at all time high, bad taste, all-year christmas shop between Akureyri town centre and airport - 173_7398_2
Father christmas gone bad :-) - 173_7399_2
Mobile home rebuilt into a plane - Dornier. - 174_7402
Dinner at Sea Food cellar in Reykjavik on the night before departure - 174_7404
Tommy, Ursa, Torbjørn, Mary and Martin - all happy and content after working their way through 15 different courses. - 174_7407
Ann Charlotte, Runar and Alison are unmistakeably happy about the food served to them - 174_7411
Rögnvaldurs receipt - high living at a high cost!