- "A complimentary dram"
- "Big Bertha's Room", The Red Garter Bed & Bakery, Williams
- "Byrkjeneset Villmarksleir"
- "Den e min!"
- "Former beauty" saloon in Corte
- "Sjølvaste" Corrbridge
- "The Old House" i Corrbridge
- "When in Rome do like a roman"
- ...og ein til
- ...på den måten fann vi to liggeunderlag
- 30% helling = 30 meter opp/ned pr 100 meter fram
- ???
- ???
- A charming Calvi girl graphittied on to a wall in the Calvi citadel
- A coffee shop on the ascent to the top of the citadel
- A street in Calvi centre
- A travller is reaching the top of the citadel in Calvi
- A view along the cost to the west of the Calvi citadel
- Alcatraz at sunset
- Alcatraz lighthouse
- Alcatraz military barracks