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- aad
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Soldier with golden sword towering over the tourist ships of Vltava - Treasure Island Hotel & Casino
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- Spinnarfiske
Håvard midt i eit kast - Sigar I
Klippe, klippe, klippe - Bubba Gump Shrimps at Santa Monica Pier
- Slot machines at Four Queens Hotel & Casino
- Trees clinging on to the ground on the sides of Wadi Galilah
- Natt over Langedalen og Gloppefjorden
Utsikt mot Lote frå Granekupa - IMG_0614
IMG_0614 - 166_6665
Kjetil fremst i Stoa med Storeset i bakgrunnen - 170_7068
170 7068 - Arnestadstøylen og Somet
Den nest finaste støylen i Langedalen - Frosk
- Hulk (left) & Runar
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- Chad Jerry feeding Belsebub the goat
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