- dscn2044
Doing everything to fit into the crowd. Photo Jan Øhlckers. - 151_5117
...and a few more beers! - IMG_8913_copy
Styvingstre ved Kjøsnesfjorden - IMG_0847
- IMG_0895
- IMG_5606
- 140_4041
...and the last one! - IMG_0294
IMG_0294 - IMG_2234
- IMG_0840
- IMG_5518
- 150_5024
Ducks doing what ducks do best on the lake in front of Linlithgow Palace - Grand Canyon just after sunset
- arefrode 047
- IMG_3097
- IMG_5492
- IMG_5744
- San Francisco street view
- IMG_0443
IMG_0443 - IMG_0450
IMG_0450 - Grand Canyon at sunset