- IMG_6893
- IMG_9388
- IMG_0457
- IMG 4324
- IMG 2986 7 8Enhancer
- aar
aad.jpg - 161_6183
161 6183 - IMG_8764
Idar and Peter doing a walk-through of Euro-Vision song contest winners throughout the times. - IMG_8800_2
Pub built into the city wall of old Klagenfurt. Idar, Michael, Christian, Eva, Ronald, Eric (the viking) and Rune - Picture 138
- IMG_0844
- Tandem camels
- IMG 3165
- IMG 9293
- IMG 3098
- 143_4390
143 4390 - aao
- IMG_8795_3
Buying souvenirs for the ones at home! - IMG_0626
IMG_0626 - IMG_1593
- IMG_6028