- Two Batmen...
- Bubba Gump Shrimps at Santa Monica Pier
- Idar playing Galaga at Santa Monica Pier arcade
- Santa Monica Pier
- Arizona Desert mountains
- Grand Canyon at sunset
- Grand Canyon at sunset
- Universal Studios sign by nightfall
- Idar taking Terminator's motorcycle for a spin
- Idar at the meat stand
- Hulk (left) & Runar
- Backdraft set, Universal Studios
- Plane crash set from War of the Worlds, Universal Studios
- Plane crash set from War of the Worlds, Universal Studios
- Plane crash set from War of the Worlds, Universal Studios
- Detail of Norman Bates' house from Psycho
- Norman Bates' house from Psycho
- King Kong island and ship set, Universal Studios
- Western city set, Universal Studios
- Dancing cars, Universal Studios
- Fast and Furious car explosion set, Universal Studios