- Here too: An unhappy man from Hyen in front of the Columbus statue in Calvi
- Øyvind ascending the stairs to the citadel
- A coffee shop on the ascent to the top of the citadel
- A travller is reaching the top of the citadel in Calvi
- A charming Calvi girl graphittied on to a wall in the Calvi citadel
- A view along the cost to the west of the Calvi citadel
- Houses on the eastern side of the Calvi citadel
- An unknown traveller gazing towards the lighthouse on the horizon
- Urban Calvi
- Welcome in: Preventing tourists from jumping off the walls of the Calvi citadel
- The church in Calvi
- The harbour in Calvi
- Øyvind by the citadel wall overlooking Calvi
- The harbour and beach in Calvi as seen from the citadel
- Place Marchall: The square just outside our appartment in Calvi
- The restaurant-covered square in front of the church in Calvi
- A street in Calvi centre
- Øyvind shopping for ice cream in Calvi
- Big ice cream
- Calvi and the citadel seen from up the beach
- White sand, white people: Harald and Øyvind at Calvi beach