- Idar in Alcatraz prison yard
- Idar in Alcatraz prison yard
- Escape from Alcatraz cell
- Tanker vessel passing under the Golden Gate bridge
- Golden Gate bridge seen from Sausalito harbour
- Cable cars on Hyde Street hill top
- Alcatraz lighthouse
- Ruin of prison-warden's building at Alcatraz
- San Francisco streets seen from Alcatraz
- Prison library, fascinatingly enough without books
- Inside of "hole", isolation cell
- Single cell
- Cell blocks
- Light house and fallen-down prison-warden's building
- Alcatraz military barracks
- Warning not to harbour escapees
- Alcatraz up close
- Bay cruiser at San Francisco ocean front
- The way I looked to Idar after 12 beers
- Alcatraz at sunset
- Golden Gate bridge at sunset