- Camels in desert near Abu Dhabi
- Camels in desert near Abu Dhabi
- Land Cruisers on sand dune
- Land Cruiser sliding down sand dune
- Jens walking in the dunes
- Sand dune in the desert between Abu Dhabi and Al Ain
- Idar taking Terminator's motorcycle for a spin
- Runar stomping on Liberace's star on Hollywood Walk of Fame
- Light Breakfast at Saddle Ranch
- Fast and Furious car explosion set, Universal Studios
- Norman Bates' house from Psycho
- Plane crash set from War of the Worlds, Universal Studios
- Paris, Las Vegas
- Paris, Las Vegas
- Paris, Las Vegas
- The Freemont Street Experience
- Slot machines at Four Queens Hotel & Casino
- Elvis, it appears, wants a taxi
- Al Ain Palace hotel
- Camels in desert near Abu Dhabi
- Camel in desert near Abu Dhabi