- Detail of Abu Dhabi skyline
- The Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi
- Madinat Jumeirah with Burj al Arab in the background
- Water pipe galore
- Boat ride on the canals of Madinat Jumeirah
- Old style A/C - wind tower at Madinat Jumeirah
- Detail of Jumeirah Mosque
- Inside Mall of the Emirates
- ...and having the choice of a Bentley or a BMW and the opportunity to win a jet or an island
- Ski Dubai, inside Mall of the Emirates
- Sunset
- Jens scaling a steep sand dune
- Velvet dunes
- Velvet dunes
- Sunset
- Different size footprints crossing in the sand
- Sand edge
- Mike in the sand dunes
- Mike in the sand dunes
- Sand, up close
- Our Land Cruiser, parked on a dune