- IMG 7941
- IMG 7970
- DSC01846
- IMG_8735_2
Detail of the front of Wörthersee Hotel near Klagenfurt - Luxemburg
Urban landscape from Luxemburg - IMG_0558
- DSC 8243
- Hollywood Walk of Fame
- IMG_6442
- IMG 4520
- 172_7234_2
Snorre on bus excursion in Skagafjördur - Kveld i Stoda
Håvard og Harald på Stosvodene - Rainbow in front of Gullfoss
- IMG_0684
IMG_0684 - IMG_0724
IMG_0724 - IMG_9446
- IMG 4069
- IMG 1521
- IMG 0535
- 159_5991
159 5991 - 168_6826
The astronomic clock by Staromëstske nám