- Cable car being turned around at Hyde Street station
- Cable car being turned around at Hyde Street station
- Art exhibit at Union Square
- Idar on a small hill along the San Francisco oceanfront
- Small-boat harbour near Golden Gate bridge
- Idar cycling on beach below Golden Gate bridge
- Family bathing on beach in front of Alcatraz
- Idar on his bike in front of Alcatraz
- Idar on his bike in front of Alcatraz
- More regular-looking seagull
- Tanker vessel passing under the Golden Gate bridge
- Tanker vessel passing under the Golden Gate bridge
- The Golden Gate bridge
- San Francisco seen from south end of Golden Gate bridge
- ISan Francisco seen from south end of Golden Gate bridge
- Idar cycling on the bridge
- Shadows cast on the sea below at midday
- Idar cycling into Sausalito
- Sausalito ocean front
- Sausalito houses
- Golden Gate bridge seen from Sausalito harbour